Monday, August 13, 2007

`Scan-doval' Sandoval of Michael Savage attack mired in election corruption

`Scan-doval' Sandoval of Michael Savage attack mired in election corruption:

"San Francisco Supervisor Gerardo Sandoval, latest, self-appointed, hitman in strategy aimed to silence America’s talk show radio, is the same Sandoval mired in election corruption. In some corners, election corruption earned the supervisor the nickname of Gerardo `Scandoval”. Sandoval’s payment of at least $10,000 to his wife, Amy Harrington for work on his re-election campaign in 2004, continued to dog him into his unsuccessful race for city assessor-recorder."

Here is the resolution drafted by the San Francisco supervisors:


The City and County of San Francisco values the dignity of all its residents, regardless of immigration status, and makes every affirmative effort to ensure that all San Franciscans live in safety, free from discrimination.


WHEREAS, The City and County of San Francisco values the dignity of all its residents, regardless of immigration status, and makes every affirmative effort to ensure that all San Franciscans live in safety, free from discrimination; and

WHEREAS, The Board of Supervisors, in support of the weeklong student fast advocating immigration reform, passed Resolution No. 0379-07 which commended R.I.S.E., and others involved in the demonstration, for their dedication to improving the lives of the immigrant community in America.

WHEREAS, Radio personality Michael Savage, in his program "Savage Nation," urged the death of those students by declaring that the demonstrators should "fast until they starve to death"; and

WHEREAS, On Wednesday, August 15th, 2007, community organizations and immigrant rights groups have scheduled a vigil to take place in front of the KNEW station offices in San Francisco, urging the termination of Michael Savage’s show; now, therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Board of Supervisors condemns Michael Savage’s comments against the immigrant community; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That this speech is deemed by the Board as symbolic of hatred and racism which is neither endorsed nor tolerated by the City and County of San Francisco; and, be it

FURTHER RESOLVED, That in so doing, the Board of Supervisors of the City and County of San Francisco affirms its tolerance, respect, and commitment to the immigrant community.

Pay attention to this story. Take action, these communists think they can trample on free speech? I don't think so.