Thursday, February 21, 2008

China asks U.S. for satellite downing data - Space-

China asks U.S. for satellite downing data - Space- "BEIJING - China called on the U.S. to release data on the shooting down of an ailing spy satellite, while the Communist Party's newspaper blasted what it called Washington's callous attitude toward the militarization of space.

China registered its objections well before the satellite's destruction by a missile launched from a Navy cruiser on Wednesday, which likely accounted for the mild response Thursday from the Foreign Minis

LOL. FUCK YOU!!! You stop jailing, torturing, and killing religious and political dissidents and then we'll talk, commie jackasses.

Or, of course, you can wait till Barrack gets elected. He'll surely hand over the data, just like the Clintons hooked yall up with tons of top secret sensitive data. But for now, go fuck yourself!


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