Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sacrilege, Hillary style

Archbishop objects to Clinton rally - Yahoo! News: "SAN ANTONIO - Archbishop Jose Gomez complained Wednesday about plans for a rally by Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, an abortion rights supporter, at a Catholic university.

The archbishop released a statement noting that Clinton and some other presidential candidates' support for abortion rights and embryonic stem-cell research were not in line with Catholic values. He said he was responding to telephone calls and e-mails from concerned Catholics."

Gomez said he was not trying to tell people how to vote, but he noted that U.S. Catholic bishops have affirmed a statement calling on Catholics not to honor or give platforms to political candidates and officeholders "who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles."


This really does make me sick to my stomach. I'm trying to throw a last minute pro-life demonstration, but it's not looking good.

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