Friday, September 12, 2008

Jawa Report nails the Palin interview by the prosecutor Gibson

Jawa Report

"Charlie Gibson Interviews Barack Obama

In his interview with Sarah Palin, it seemed to me to be pretty clear that Gibson was bound and determined to trip her up, working desperately for a "gotcha" moment, twisting her words to make it seem that she said something she didn't, accusing her of being guilty of hubris for even agreeing to run for VP.

Nonetheless, it occurs to me that maybe Charlie Gibson is just a tough interviewer. Maybe he sees that as his job.

Here's Gibson's recent interview with The Messiah. You be the judge.

No questions about Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, Michael Phleger, William Ayers or foreign policy. No questions about his myriad changes of positions on issues like national defense and wire-tapping. The only prodding Gibson gave was on The Messiah's complete abandonment of principle for expediency in abandoning public financing--and even that was light as a feather.

A few examples of Gibson's questions:

GIBSON: Do you worry that [the 2008 race] could turn on race, age and class?...

GIBSON: Is the hardest part of all this behind you or ahead of you?...

GIBSON: The picture of you in the paper, this morning, with your wife, watching the Clinton speech. What did you think of the Clinton speech?...

GIBSON: And finally your daughters. What did they say to you? Did they take it as a matter of course that Daddy could be nominated to be president? They never knew what older people know in terms of discrimination, although they may still feel some. What did they say about that?...

GIBSON: I watched closely your countenance last night, your mien, as you stood in that hall. You didn't smile much. Has the joyfulness of this hit home yet? Do you take joy from it?...

These guys aren't even TRYING to look neutral anymore..."

Another hammer hitting the nail on the the head was an email into Fox and Friends this morning, "this interview was far more prosecutorial than journalistic". Bingo.


Anonymous said...

You know, you say you are prolife on one hand, yet you support some of the most pro-death politicians in the USA. I dare to ask you, how many times has North Korea invaded another country? Compare that to how many times the USA has invaded other countries. Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Democrat and Republican are all pro-death period. One party kills people while in the womb while the other kills them out of the womb. Maybe you should take account of the tens of thousands, or perhaps hundreds of thousands of Innocent Roman Catholics that were murdered at the hands of the US government in the past 25 years. How about all of the wars and dictators the USA supported in Guatemala, Honduras, Iraq (Yes, I do mean Hussein), Nicaragua, Chile, South Korea, and Palestine, just to name a few. You say you are for freedom but the US has been behind the murders of many deomcratically elected goverments. Even PJP 2 himself was agains the war (while you support the politicians that supported it). As Desi Arnez would say, "Lucy, you got some splainin to do."

Echo1 said...

North Korea? You mean excluding their invasion of South Korea in the Korean War? Do you know your history? Besides, do you know how many North Koreans perish in the gulags of Kim Jung Il's regime? Tens of thousands. That's free of charge.

There will be collateral damage from incursions and wars necessary to maintain the United States and all our allies who seek freedom from tyranny and oppression. But if you want to play a numbers game, 1.5 million abortions PER YEAR. Game Over. You lose.