Monday, February 18, 2008

Giving Second Life a whirl

I started a free Basic account yesterday on Second Life.

I would have to say I am impressed on the whole. The amount of content is just staggering. The locales are extremely varied. I'm very much looking forward to exploring more tonight. I think the operative word in 'imagination'. This is a game that allows you get out what you put in. You can buy virtual land and build a house or start a virtual business and make real dollars in the real world. I'm still so new, I don't want to begin to extrapolate on this game while still being and utter noob.

It's funny though, because I thought it was my old beater computer that couldn't process fast enough, which was making the framerate of the game so ugly. I've since learned it's the lag from their servers...everyone lags I've found out. Even having only played for just over an hour, I can already tell you this video is spot on. Hilarious.

I'm going to give this game a fair shot though. It's a work in progress.

If you want to see what it's all about, get a free download and get started HERE

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