Sunday, February 24, 2008

Palate cleanser for the Oscars that I didn't even watch

The joke that is the oscars


I hate Hollywood every bit as much as Trey Parker and Matt Stone. Actor assclowns. Heads up their asses. Mini tribute to Matt and Trey, fellow actor haters. Thank you boys.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

China asks U.S. for satellite downing data - Space-

China asks U.S. for satellite downing data - Space- "BEIJING - China called on the U.S. to release data on the shooting down of an ailing spy satellite, while the Communist Party's newspaper blasted what it called Washington's callous attitude toward the militarization of space.

China registered its objections well before the satellite's destruction by a missile launched from a Navy cruiser on Wednesday, which likely accounted for the mild response Thursday from the Foreign Minis

LOL. FUCK YOU!!! You stop jailing, torturing, and killing religious and political dissidents and then we'll talk, commie jackasses.

Or, of course, you can wait till Barrack gets elected. He'll surely hand over the data, just like the Clintons hooked yall up with tons of top secret sensitive data. But for now, go fuck yourself!


Yes We Can!

Yes we can keep abortion, even partial birth abortion legal in America!


Monday, February 18, 2008

Giving Second Life a whirl

I started a free Basic account yesterday on Second Life.

I would have to say I am impressed on the whole. The amount of content is just staggering. The locales are extremely varied. I'm very much looking forward to exploring more tonight. I think the operative word in 'imagination'. This is a game that allows you get out what you put in. You can buy virtual land and build a house or start a virtual business and make real dollars in the real world. I'm still so new, I don't want to begin to extrapolate on this game while still being and utter noob.

It's funny though, because I thought it was my old beater computer that couldn't process fast enough, which was making the framerate of the game so ugly. I've since learned it's the lag from their servers...everyone lags I've found out. Even having only played for just over an hour, I can already tell you this video is spot on. Hilarious.

I'm going to give this game a fair shot though. It's a work in progress.

If you want to see what it's all about, get a free download and get started HERE

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Things that make you go Hmmmmm....


The following names have been raised as possible vice presidential running mates for the likely Republican presidential nominee, Sen. John McCain of Arizona:

South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford: Strong conservative credentials, would be great for outreach to Mr. McCain's conservative critics.

Florida Gov. Charlie Crist: Popular governor who helped deliver Florida in the primary, could help deliver it in the general election.

Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas: Provides a conservative-leaning female face to round out the ticket.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty: Moderate Republican who was an early supporter of Mr. McCain's, could help deliver his swing state in the general election.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal: Rising star among Republicans, he has many already thinking president.

Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana: Solid conservative pick.

Sen. Richard M. Burr of North Carolina: Friend of Mr. McCain's and an early supporter in the campaign.

Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina: Longtime supporter on issue after issue, and possibly his closest partner in the Senate.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice: Would bring balance to the ticket demographically and would underscore the national security credentials of the Republican team.


Whoa, just found these guys. And I was going through some '1/2 Hour Newshour' withdrawals. Not bad...not bad at all. Go subscribe.

Sacrilege, Hillary style

Archbishop objects to Clinton rally - Yahoo! News: "SAN ANTONIO - Archbishop Jose Gomez complained Wednesday about plans for a rally by Democratic Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, an abortion rights supporter, at a Catholic university.

The archbishop released a statement noting that Clinton and some other presidential candidates' support for abortion rights and embryonic stem-cell research were not in line with Catholic values. He said he was responding to telephone calls and e-mails from concerned Catholics."

Gomez said he was not trying to tell people how to vote, but he noted that U.S. Catholic bishops have affirmed a statement calling on Catholics not to honor or give platforms to political candidates and officeholders "who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles."


This really does make me sick to my stomach. I'm trying to throw a last minute pro-life demonstration, but it's not looking good.

Obama's 'Patriot' Corporation designator, undressed by commenter

This was a spot on comment on by one of the readers commenting on a post about Obama's thinly veiled socialist/communist and corporation takedowns. This commenter has it right so succintly.

Hot Air » Blog Archive » Obama puts his “Patriot Corporation” aims into practice: "The basic tenants of socialism are:
1. Seduce the populace into accepting the government as the arbitrator of all problems; government from cradle-to-grave
2. Begin delivering on those services to make the citizens dependent
3. Take away the citizens’ guns
4. Increase taxes on all services while destroying any free market alternative services
5. Blame the chosen scapegoat for the inability to meet demand for services
6. Have the centralized national police force round up any dissidents

Your new democratic platform: Change!

JustTruth101 on February 13, 2008 at 4:43 PM"

You can't be serious

I can't stop laughing at this empty suited numbnuts. Yeah, Barak Hussein in a stetson. What a Puto.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Junior Boys

Man, these guys rock the house. My friend did an EXCELLENT extended robot dance to this. Was Nice.

Friday, February 08, 2008

I'm a two issue voter

After following the volatile and turbulent GOP primary to its now settled McConclusion (rimshot), unless Huckabee pulls off an upset miracle (rimshot), it's Johnny Mac time. I can hardly believe Mac has done it. After listening and discerning what both sides of the talk radio tug of war have to say, and I think both sides make very, very fine points, I must say that I am a two issue voter with Johnny Mac now on the docket in November.

1. I will cast a vote for Johnny Mac for all of our active duty military, and soon to be active duty military. I served in the US Navy from 1992-1996. I was active duty during the transition of Bush to Clinton. I remember the drag on morale when Clinton cranked out 'Don't ask, don't tell". I remember him gutting our military as part of the backward thinking 'peace dividend'. I could easily digress, but I'm not going to. The fact is is that I know how it feels to have a dirtbag as a Commander-in-Chief. I remember how it felt to have a Commander-in-Chief who didn't hide his disdain for the military very well. I also remember looking at photos of Reagan and Thatcher, riding past some Servicemen at attention...the pride must have been swelling. I cannot imagine having signed a 4 or 6 year contract to the Armed Services, knowing I may find myself in harms way, and then finding out that for the better part of my first enlistment, Hillary Clinton or Barrack Obama is going to be my Commander-in-Chief. I will try to prevent that at all costs for my active duty military. Johnny Mac is a far, far cry from Reagan, but Clinton is a far, far cry from John McCain.

Do not sell out your active duty military by staying home on election night. Go vote for McCain for you men and women serving overseas. Give them a real voice. Give them a leader that loves and respects them.

2. Life, Life, and Life Clinton and Obama are both NARAL saints. They will not only ensure that the bloody abortion mills stay open, they will expand taxpayer funding for the killing fields. Both Clinton and Obama believe partial birth abortion (infanticide) legal. Both barbaric and satanic.